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Kleesto helps with payment processing by offering a seamless and integrated solution within its booking management system. Here’s how Kleesto assists with payment processing:

  1. Credit card payments: Kleesto allows customers to make payments for bookings through the application using credit card. This provides a convenient and secure way for customers to complete their transactions.
  2. Real-time payment information: Kleesto offers true real-time booking processes with synced payment information. This means that payment details are updated instantly, allowing businesses to manage reservations efficiently from one portal.
  3. PCI compliance: Kleesto’s payment service processor is fully PCI compliant. PCI compliance ensures that customer credit card information is handled securely and in accordance with industry standards.
  4. Integrated payments and accounting: Kleesto provides integrated payments and accounting features. This allows businesses to streamline their financial processes by managing payments and accounting within the same system.

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