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3 Marketing Strategies For More Bookings With Less Effort

Are you a business owner or tour operator that wishes to pinpoint marketing strategies for more bookings with less effort? Then, you need not look any further. In this blog post, we will share three marketing strategies that can help you get the word out about your business and attract new clients without spending too…

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Marketing strategies for more bookings

Are you a business owner or tour operator that wishes to pinpoint marketing strategies for more bookings with less effort? Then, you need not look any further. In this blog post, we will share three marketing strategies that can help you get the word out about your business and attract new clients without spending too much time on it.
Word of mouth is often the best way to attract new clients! Here are some ways that you can spread the word:

Create an engaging online presence

Does your business have an online presence? If not, you might want to consider building one to get people talking about your business. Nowadays, in the attention economy, the easiest path to success is through social media. That’s because it allows you to reach a broad-ranging audience and target people who are interested in your business. Being online is one of the first marketing strategies for more bookings and, in our opinion, the most important one!

Facebook for businesses

Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Tiktok are excellent ways to connect with potential customers. They also allow users to see what’s happening in real-time, which creates an up-to-date feel for the company. The first step in your marketing strategies for more bookings is leveraging Facebook. Why? Because it has the most users of any other network. With over 2.2 billion people on Facebook, companies that use it have seen an incredible amount of growth and engagement with customers.

Instagram marketing strategies for more bookings

After Facebook, the next one is Instagram. Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps on the web, and for a good reason. It lets you share pictures with family and friends all over the world in seconds!
Even better: users can also tag photos with locations, which helps you show off your business, and it’s also easy to post on this platform. Instagram was and still is the go-to social medium for stunning photographs of all kinds of activities and times of the day and places. With its vibrant and beautiful filters, it allows people to create unique images without any formal training. That’s why it’s one of the best marketing strategies for more bookings with less effort.

Travel inspiration via Instagram

In addition, thanks to Instagram, we can look for travel inspiration at pictures of places that many people have never visited. For example, your clients have never been to Japan, but they can follow accounts of people who live there and see their pictures of what it’s like around the city.
And if you want to sync your online distribution channels easily, Kleesto can help you with that too!

Design attractive flyers

If you’re running a tourist attraction, promoting specials and discounts through flyers is a great way to attract visitors during off-seasons, as promoting specials is a great way to increase sales. Off-season sales and other promotions are especially good for attracting visitors during the slow seasons, such as fall and winter. They’re also cheaper than print ads, and you can distribute them in densely populated areas, like apartment buildings. Since we’re discussing costs, you may have a hard time tracking your payments. Fret not! With Kleesto’s flexible payment management, your customers are allowed to pay with confidence and peace of mind.

Offer discounts

The list of marketing strategies for more bookings isn’t complete without discounts! Consumers love deals, so offering discounts will help attract new customers and keep current ones coming back again and again. Offering discounts is a great way to reward your most loyal customers while bringing in brand new ones. For example, it might attract some new clients if you offer 10% off your products or services. You can also try sending out discounts via email to current customers.


With the right marketing strategies for more bookings, it’s possible to spend less time on social media or advertising and still get the word out about your business. You can’t go wrong with an engaging online presence that features photos of what you do best. For tourist attractions, design attractive flyers during off-seasons this will increase sales when customers see deals at different times of the year. And finally, offering discounts are always popular among consumers, so make sure to include them where appropriate!
Do you have any questions about marketing strategies for more bookings or need advice on how to improve your digital marketing strategies for more bookings with less effort? Kleesto can help automate booking, operations, and communications for a FREE 21-Day trial sign-up with no credit card required!

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